A compendium of projects that are competed in advance of funding availability.
Home of competed, technically acceptable proposals from NAMC members that are available for funding.
An assemblage of funded, high dollar and priority projects.
NAMC relevant follow-on SBIR efforts that are direct awarded.
NAMC administered strategic systems of systems projects, workshops, and demos.
Innovative Projects
As a collaborative design exercise, Soldiers, Marines, Government and Industry Engineers, and Industrial Designers come together to develop Innovative Ideas based on a problem set.
MDI studies are deep dives into a targeted problem space intended to develop detailed, solution-agnostic insights into the challenges warfighters experience while conducting a specific mission. The result is a “heat map” illustrating the primary pain points (i.e., those aspects of a mission that are most important and least satisfied).
Market Research Demonstrations give the Government insight into TRLs, help manage risk by demonstrating what existing systems can do, and inform requirements for the acquisition plan.
NAMC partners with the Government to organize and coordinate joint Government/Industry teams intended to develop common architectures, advance open standards, and coordinate open software ecosystems.