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Tethered UAS Market Research Event

Request for Information
Main content
Feb February 07 2020

Due Date

February 7, 2020, 12:00 pm

Release Date

February 3, 2020, 7:00 pm

Technology Objective Area


ISV b&w

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Ground Vehicle System Center (GVSC) is beginning a project that will mature tethered UAS systems that can autonomously deploy, move with UGV while in flight, and re-deploy without human intervention. The Goal is to conduct (1) a Market Research Demonstration (late April 2020) of existing, prototype systems and subsystems that enable a tethered, or tether-capable, UAS to be integrated to a UGV; and (2) a workshop between Industry and Government participants, held in conjunction with the demonstration, to discuss establishing prototype open software and hardware interface standards to enable the development of modular, interoperable UAS to UGV integration components. This will further define requirements for integration of tethered UAS to UGV.

This RFI invites NAMC members to support this process by providing feedback and recommendations to the Government on interest of being a part of the Market Research and the level of maturity of your system.


There are no announcements at this time.

