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Key Takeaways from SMET inc2 NAMC Member Collaboration Event

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Key Takeaways from SMET inc2 NAMC Member Collaboration Event

On January 18th, NAMC members gathered at Velocity in Sterling Heights, Michigan for the Small Multi-Purpose Equipment Transport (SMET) Inc. 2 NAMC Member Collaboration Event. With a remarkable turnout of over 65 attendees from more than 40 different companies, this event provided an exceptional platform to foster competitive teaming opportunities for the SMET inc2 solicitation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Collaboration Importance: There's a significant demand for events that foster collaboration and support US government (USG) programs. These events are crucial for small and non-traditional defense companies possessing impactful technologies to gain access and visibility.
  2. Value of In-Person Interactions: Events that are focused and bring together the right audience in-person are found to be extremely valuable.
  3. Preparation Matters: Participants who came ready to discuss specific capabilities related to the event's theme were more notable.
  4. Importance of Relationships: The role of building and maintaining relationships continues to be a pivotal aspect of such gatherings.
  5. Supporting Warfighters: The ultimate goal of advancing the best capabilities for warfighters remains unchanged.
  6. Winter Logistics: Operating in Southeast Michigan during the winter presents unique challenges, but it is emphasized that these can be overcome.

Contact and Engagement

  • For inquiries about NAMC or for guidance on maximizing opportunities with the consortium, interested parties are encouraged to reach out.

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